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News and Updates
For more regular updates, please visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Success at the
CEWKA Championships

July 08, 2024

We only entered a small squad of 4 Kumite Athletes for the prestigious CEWKA Championships at Worcester University today but still managed to achieve a Silver medal for Joe Smith … well done Joe!


Quinn , Archie and Ollie all put in great performances but it wasn’t to be. Nevertheless, a fantastic learning curve.


Success at the
Muryama Cup

March 03, 2024

Today students of NISHINIHON Karate Association took part in their first competition; the Muryama Cup in Gloucester. We are absolutely delighted to have come away with 1x silver and 4x bronze medals having entered a squad of 8.

Unfortunately 1 tudent suffered a serious injury on the Friday prior through playing rugby, but still showed up to support the squad on their first outing.

Well done everyone, we are really proud of all of you outstanding effort. A special thanks goes to our coaches Hayden Thomas & Jason Steele for giving their guidance and encouragement during the bouts.


Christmas 2023 Message From Ivor
December 20, 2023

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank parents and students for their continuous support throughout 2023. Congratulations to all Students that have progressed throughout the year and have been successful in their grading examinations .


It is not just about passing grading examinations though; or me personally and my team of instructors it is about seeing students grow in confidence and become better as individuals in a manner of things throughout their everyday life. It is about making new friends and becoming a “Karate Family", having respect for each other and showing that respect to others outside of Karate also.


I would like to thank Craig and Hayden for their continuous support in helping to run the Patchway Club especially when I’m away at courses ,competitions or board meetings ,and also Paul for running the Clevedon cub also. I would also like to thank Jo and Ciera with their help in setting up the website and running it even though they have busy schedules outside of karate.


Membership is growing really well within the Association and hopefully this will continue in the new year. 


The last training session will be 22nd of December and we will resume again on Wednesday 3rd January 2024.


There will be a small presentation at the end of Fridays (22nd Dec) Training Session. Thankyou for the Christmas cards and presents it is very much appreciated and I am very humbled by it.


In closing I would like to wish all of you a Happy Christmas, and Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and again Thankyou for your continued support 


Ivor 7th Dan

Chief Instructor SGKA & Nishinihon Karate Association

Director (unpaid) with The English Karate Federation ( The National Governing Body for Karate in England )

European Referee

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